NEA Funding of the Arts
Comment by Tehehehe 2-28-07
The Piss Christ referenced by TeHe2 is a perfect example of how anti-NEA conservatives rally those that have never set foot in an art museum to protest something about which they know absolutely nothing. They care only that a crucifix was submerged in a jar of piss and nothing about the artist's intent. With Piss Christ, Serrano, a Catholic himself, was making a statement about the crass commercialization of the Divinity.So…Then you would advocate that I try to blackball or otherwise protest and harass someone who contributes to that National Foundation for the Arts that displays religious symbols that have great significance to me, in a jar of piss? Or protesting outside art gallaries (sic) that display art projects made of dung that are titled for the Madonna with child? We can harass the people that donate to these private organizations and Harras those who manage the facilities?
This opens up a whole new line of social conflict! We can require everyone to publically (sic) list their private donations, and if an individual takes offense to what one of his neighbors donated to, he can take action through the use of “free speech”. Just declare a “Day of Political Correctness” when everyone has to announce publically (sic) their charities.
"The saturated, half-educated bourgeois wants no shocks or enlightenment from art, merely entertainment and a way of passing the time."
Arnold Hauser, The Social History of Art