Sunday, August 19, 2007

Making Sex Shameful - Yes; Respect for Life - Not so much!

Rise in births, abortion in Philippines feared with phase-out of US birth control program
Associated Press

MANILA, Philippines: The Philippine government is unprepared for the phase-out of a contraceptive donation program by the United States, which could mean high population growth, maternal deaths, and abortion, family planning advocates said Tuesday.

The U.S. Agency for International Development began phasing out its 30-year program to donate condoms, birth control pills and injectibles in 2003 and will complete it next year.

About 473,000 abortions, or a third of 1.4 million unplanned pregnancies, occur in the country yearly, said Rena Dona, a U.N. Population Fund official.

Two out of five women who want to use contraceptives don't have access to them, Dona told a forum on family planning.

A U.N. study showed the country needs about US$2 million (euro1.47 million) for contraceptives yearly from 2007 to 2010 to provide them free or at subsized prices to the poor. More ...

Baptists for Brownback 2008

Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-America, Pro-Jesus (and may I add Pro-Fascist)

I ask that you say the following prayer prior to visiting these sites and commencing your imprecatory prayers against them:

Father God,

In our hearts we believe that you will hear our prayers and will put all these curses upon our enemies and on those who hate us, who persecute us. We will keep not silence, for the mouths of the wicked and the mouths of deceit are opened against us; they have spoken against us with lying TONGUES. They have compassed us about also with words of hatred, mockery, and deciept; and have fought against all that is Holy without a cause.

[W]hen the wicked and mockers at Democratic Underground are judged, let them be condemned, and let their prayers for leniency be turned into sins. Let their days be few; and let others take their offices and charge. Let their children be parentless and their souses become widowed. Let their children be continual vagabonds as was Cain and beg; let them seek their bread and be driven far from their ruined homes.

In Your Name, Amen.

The above prayer is an example of an imprecatory prayer that Wiley Drake,former VP of the 16 Million strong Southern Baptists, asked his flock to say daily. Circle the wagons people. The inmates are now in change of the madhouse.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Greatest Dangers to Motorcyclists

These behaviors will send a chill through any motorcyclist.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Famous Red State Congressman Bill "Cracker" Sali

Idaho Rep Bill Sali (R) believes Muslims should not have been allowed to say a prayer in the hallowed halls of Congress, nor should they even have representation there.

The conservative Idaho lawmaker believes America's founding fathers would not have wanted a Muslim elected to Congress or a Hindu prayer delivered in the U.S. Senate.

"We have not only a Hindu prayer being offered in the Senate, we have a Muslim member of the House of Representatives now, Keith Ellison from Minnesota. Those are changes -- and they are not what was envisioned by the Founding Fathers," asserts Sali.

Sali says America was built on Christian principles that were derived from scripture. He also says the only way the United States has been allowed to exist in a world that is so hostile to Christian principles is through "the protective hand of God."

"You know, the Lord can cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike," says the Idaho Republican. Orcinus blog

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Another Prom without a Date?

A thought provoking collection of readers' special postcard-like expressions at Feminste blog.

Never enough time to compensate the guilt.